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    • Character Innovation(성품이노베이션 영문판)
      20,000원  18,000원   ( 할인 적용되는 내용은, 장바구니에서 확인 가능합니다 )
      배송비 : 3,000원 ( 50,000원 이상 무료배송 )
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    전체 물품금액 :  20,000
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  • 제품 상세설명

    Character Innovation (성품이노베이션 영문판)The Journey of Character Innovation for Self-Discovery


    Adults Can Change Too!
    Journey of Character Innovation for Self-Discovery through Inner Healing

    Goodtree Character School has transformed the character of 1 million parents, teachers, and children
    Encounter Dr. Young Suk Lee’s acclaimed lectures through her book!

    A good character gives you renewed strength to live in the world
    A journey of inner healing, transforming your thoughts, feelings, and actions

    “Character innovation is a journey for one’s character transformation.
    Anyone who lays their hands on this book will find the self-healing that they have long owed themselves
    and recover their genuine identity.”

    “Loving myself is just too hard.”
    “It’s my own heart, so why can’t I keep it under control?”
    “It pains me to think that my wounds are being passed on to my child.”
    Many adults experience suffering due to their inner wounds and immature characters. Warped feelings and untrained character generate conflicts in human relationships. They steer our lives in negative directions, make us unlovable even to ourselves, and become sources of constant self-torment throughout our lives.
    The author recommends “character innovation” for adults suffering from these problems. Character Innovation is the English edition of a long-beloved Korean classic on character education, Seongpum Innovation (Duranno) written by Dr. Young Suk Lee, who has enlightened countless individuals on the importance of character from the early 2000s, when the concept of “character” was still unfamiliar, up to the present day. Goodtree Character School has transformed the character of 1 million parents, teachers, and children, and “Character Innovation” is the representative adult healing program at the school that has brought about miraculous changes in the character of adults over the past 17 years.
    As to the reason why Character Innovation is subtitled “The Journey of Character Innovation for Self-Discovery,” Dr. Lee says, “I wanted to place a greater focus on the incredible transformation that heals the wounds and changes the character of adults.” Indeed, the book contains an in-depth discussion of various academic perspectives on psychological wounds and character healing methods whose effectiveness has been validated, along with vividly described, poignant cases of healing over the span of 17 years. Furthermore, it lays out the essence of character education for parents and teachers who want to raise children with good character.
    Character Innovation is a book for “adults who want to change.” Adults who are always hesitant because they lack confidence, who waver due to their low self-esteem, who are negative about everything, who are reluctant to take the first step out of fear, who have become aggressive without realizing it, or who are lonely and depressed because of broken relationships. Most adults harbor wounds and character weaknesses in the inner recesses of their being. These untreated wounds and character flaws hinder good relationships and prevent the living of a happy life.
    If we want to change for the better, we have to transform our thoughts and feelings into better ones by recovering and accepting them and healing ourselves. This process is what is meant by “character innovation.”
    Character innovation is “a process of healing past wounds that have had negative effects on character development and training yourself to transform negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors caused by those wounds into positive ones” (Lee, 2005). Character innovation helps us recover a “more wholesome self” by enabling us to choose better thoughts, feelings, and actions.
    What can make us change is not our surroundings or other people, but our own selves. This book tells us how to apply and practice Dr. Lee’s patented 12 good character traits in our lives, namely attentiveness, positive attitude, joyfulness, caring, gratefulness, obedience, patience, responsibility, self-control, creativity, honesty, and wisdom.
    Dr. Lee’s Character Innovation will be a trusted companion in our journey of self-discovery. If you have ever thought, “Character is innate!” or “What, change my character? It’s too late for me,” then try embarking on a journey of “inner healing” with Character Innovation. It will be a chance for you to find your true self and open the door to new horizons.

    Evaluation by People Who Have Encountered Character Innovation
    Character Innovation has completely altered
    the perspective on myself and my spouse.
    - 10th Character Innovation Program Graduate ○○ Choi

    When I finally confronted the wounded inner child within me,
    I gained the courage to reconcile with my parents,
    and became positive about my life. This is all thanks to Character Innovation.
    - 8th Character Innovation Program Graduate ○○ Jeon

    Through Character Innovation, I was able to truthfully acknowledge and confront
    my wounds and character problems that I had neglected up to that point.
    - 26th Character Innovation Program Graduate ○○ Kang

    Loving my husband and children was too much for me
    because I could not love myself,
    but Character Innovation helped me love myself just as I am.
    - 28th Character Innovation Program Graduate ○○ Kim

    Character Education and Membership Inquiry
    Goodtree Character School, Making a Happy World through Good Character
    Good character is the ability to solve problems through better thoughts, feelings, and action in conflict and crisis situations (Lee, 2005). It is not something that we are born with by accident or that we acquire naturally, but something that we cultivate through teaching and training. Good character engenders happy relationships, achieves happy growth, and establishes a happy life. We are now living in an age where good character constitutes our greatest competitive strength.
    Education at the Goodtree Character School is based on the virtues of God’s Character (God’s character of love and righteousness as well as Jesus’s character of grace and truth) and good character (empathy and conscience). It involves teaching 12 patented character themes.
    Goodtree Character School conducts 12 Character Education program as lifelong education for students of all ages from the womb to old age so that they may dream of living happy lives through good character. Just as one person’s tiny step can become a catalyst for change in the world, it is hoped that character education can become the greatest impetus for transforming this world into a happy and livable one. Goodtree USA is here to help many more Korean and Korean American families and schools in the US choose happy lives through good character.

    Those who want to launch the Goodtree Character School in the US by implementing its patented 12 good character traits in daycare, free school, Korean language school, and church school education can contact Goodtree USA for detailed information.

    필수! 확인사항 : 배송 및 환불 정보

    1. 본 상품은 [주문: 입금완료 기준] 후 [1~3일이내] [롯데택배]로 출고 예정입니다. (토/일/공휴일제외)

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